module BDDType use mach.peano.Peano use type bdd = | Bottom | Top | N int63 bdd bdd Peano.t (* N (var, true_branch, false_branch, id) *) type affectation = int63 -> bool (* Test whenever provided bdd has a node as root *) let predicate is_node (input : bdd) : bool = match input with | Bottom | Top -> false | N _ _ _ _ -> true end (* Test whenever provided bdd is a leaf *) let predicate is_leaf (input : bdd) : bool = not (is_node input) (* Return the `true_branch` of provided bdd *) let function true_branch (input : bdd) : bdd = requires { is_node input } match input with | N _ branch _ _ -> branch | _ -> absurd end (* Return the `false_branch` of provided bdd *) let function false_branch (input : bdd) : bdd = requires { is_node input } match input with | N _ _ branch _ -> branch | _ -> absurd end (* Return the id of variable of provided bdd *) let function var (input : bdd) : int63 = requires { is_node input } match input with | N var_id _ _ _ -> var_id | _ -> absurd end (* Return the id of provided bdd *) let function id (input : bdd) : Peano.t = match input with | Bottom -> | Top -> | N _ _ _ node_id -> node_id end (* Equality of rank 0 *) let predicate eq0 (t1 : bdd) (t2 : bdd) : bool = eq (id t1) (id t2) (* Equality of rank 1 *) let predicate eq1 (t1 : bdd) (t2 : bdd) : bool = match t1, t2 with | Top, Top | Bottom, Bottom -> True | N var_1 true_1 false_1 _, N var_2 true_2 false_2 _ -> var_1 = var_2 && eq0 true_1 true_2 && eq0 false_1 false_2 | _ -> False end (* Tuple equality over the BDD *) let predicate tuple_eq0 (t1 t2 : (bdd, bdd)) : bool = let l1, r1 = t1 in let l2, r2 = t2 in eq0 l1 l2 && eq0 r1 r2 (* Value of a BDD with a given affectation *) let rec function value (f : affectation) (input : bdd) : bool = variant { input } match input with | Top -> True | Bottom -> False | N var_id true_b false_b _ -> if f var_id then value f true_b else value f false_b end (* Convert a Boolean to its corresponding leaf *) let bool_to_leaf (b : bool) : bdd = if b then Top else Bottom ensures { forall f : affectation. value f result = b } ensures { is_leaf result } end module Hashtbl use map.Map type key val predicate eq key key : bool type t 'a = abstract { mutable contents: map key 'a ; mutable domain: map key bool } invariant { ( (* All similar key have the same status in the table's domain *) forall u v : key. eq u v -> domain u = domain v ) /\ ( (* If two key are similar and one is in the table, they map to the same value *) forall u v : key. eq u v /\ domain u -> Map.([]) contents u = Map.([]) contents v ) } by { contents = (fun _ -> any 'a) ; domain = (fun _ -> false) } function is_in (h: t 'a) (k: key) : bool = h.domain k function val_of (h : t 'a) (k : key) : 'a = Map.([]) h.contents k val create (_u : unit) : t 'a ensures { forall k : key. is_in result k = false } val put (h: t 'a) (k: key) (v: 'a) : unit writes { h } ensures { forall k' : key. eq k k' -> is_in h k' /\ val_of h k' = v } ensures { forall k' : key. not eq k k' -> val_of h k' = val_of (old h) k' /\ is_in h k' = is_in (old h) k' } exception NotFound val find (h: t 'a) (k: key) : 'a ensures { is_in h k /\ val_of h k = result } raises { NotFound -> not is_in h k } val mem (h: t 'a) (k: key) : bool ensures { result = is_in h k } end module HashConsingHashtbl use BDDType clone export Hashtbl with type key = bdd, val eq = eq1 end module BDDAssociationMap use BDDType clone export Hashtbl with type key = bdd, val eq = eq0 end module BDDTupleAssociationMap use BDDType clone export Hashtbl with type key = (bdd, bdd), val eq = tuple_eq0 end module BDD use int.Int use mach.peano.Peano use use export BDDType use HashConsingHashtbl as HCMap (* A value is mem_tbl in the table if it is in the table and it is linked to itself *) predicate mem_tbl (tbl : HCMap.t bdd) (k : bdd) = HCMap.is_in tbl k /\ HCMap.val_of tbl k = k (* A value is well-formed (ie a ROBDD) if its mem_tbl in the hash-consign table or it's a leaf *) predicate well_formed (tbl : HCMap.t bdd) (k : bdd) = is_leaf k \/ mem_tbl tbl k type hctable = { tbl : HCMap.t bdd; mutable next_id : Peano.t } (* Top and Bottom are not in the Table *) invariant { not HCMap.is_in tbl Top /\ not HCMap.is_in tbl Bottom } (* Each BDD mem_tbl in table is Ordered [True Branch] *) invariant { forall u : bdd. mem_tbl tbl u -> is_node (true_branch u) -> var u < var (true_branch u) } (* Each BDD mem_tbl in table is Ordered [False Branch] *) invariant { forall u : bdd. mem_tbl tbl u -> is_node (false_branch u) -> var u < var (false_branch u) } (* No BDD mem_tbl in table has the same branch twice *) invariant { forall u : bdd. mem_tbl tbl u -> true_branch u <> false_branch u } (* Each BDD in the domain is in the same equivalence-class of eq1 to its associated value *) invariant { forall u : bdd. HCMap.is_in tbl u -> eq1 u (HCMap.val_of tbl u) } (* Each BDD mem_tbl in table has a unique id *) invariant { forall u v : bdd. mem_tbl tbl u /\ mem_tbl tbl v /\ u <> v -> (id u).v <> (id v).v } (* Each BDD mem_tbl in table has a id lower than next_id *) invariant { forall u : bdd. mem_tbl tbl u -> (id u).v < next_id.v } (* Transitivity of true_branch for the BDD mem_tbl in table *) invariant { forall u : bdd. mem_tbl tbl u -> well_formed tbl (true_branch u) } (* Transitivity of false_branch for the BDD mem_tbl in table *) invariant { forall u : bdd. mem_tbl tbl u -> well_formed tbl (false_branch u) } (* Next_id begin at 2 *) invariant { next_id >= 2 } (* Each BDD mem_tbl in table have an id greater than 2 *) invariant { forall u : bdd. mem_tbl tbl u -> id u >= 2 } by { tbl = HCMap.create (); next_id = Peano.succ } (* Each BDD is now uniquily present in the table *) lemma bdd_is_unique : forall hc : hctable, u v : bdd. mem_tbl hc.tbl u /\ mem_tbl hc.tbl v -> var u = var v -> true_branch u = true_branch v -> false_branch u = false_branch v -> u = v (* All BDD well-formed in the 'old_hc' Hash-consign table are still well-formed in the newer one *) predicate still_well_formed (old_hc new_hc : hctable) = forall u : bdd. well_formed old_hc.tbl u -> well_formed new_hc.tbl u (* With the hash-consign, for well-formed BDD, eq1 is the same as the logical equality *) lemma eq1_match_logic : forall hc : hctable, u v : bdd. well_formed hc.tbl u -> well_formed hc.tbl v -> u = v <-> eq1 u v (* With the hash-consign, for well-formed BDD, eq0 is the same as the logical equality *) lemma eq0_match_logic : forall hc : hctable, u v : bdd. well_formed hc.tbl u -> well_formed hc.tbl v -> u = v <-> eq0 u v (* Create an empty hctable *) let create_hctable () : hctable = { tbl = HCMap.create () ; next_id = Peano.succ } (* From two bdd and a variable, we create a new BDD in the table *) let create_node (hc : hctable) (v : int63) (t : bdd) (f : bdd) : bdd = (* If t is a node, var t > v *) requires { is_node t -> var t > v } (* If f is a node, var f > v *) requires { is_node f -> var f > v } (* t is well-formed in the hash-consign table *) requires { well_formed hc.tbl t } (* f is well-formed in the hash-consign table *) requires { well_formed hc.tbl f } (* The old well-formed bdd are still well-formed *) ensures { still_well_formed (old hc) hc } (* All well-formed BDD in the current hash-consign table where well-formed in the old hash-consign table or they are the result *) ensures { forall u : bdd. u <> result -> well_formed (old hc).tbl u = well_formed hc.tbl u } (* The result is well-formed *) ensures { well_formed hc.tbl result } (* If t <> f, var result = v *) ensures { t <> f -> var result = v } (* If t = f and is_node t, var result = var t *) ensures { t = f -> is_node t -> var t = var result } (* If result is a node, var result <= v *) ensures { is_node result -> var result >= v } (* Interpretation of a ROBDD *) ensures { forall a : affectation. value a result = if a v then value a t else value a f } (* result was either well_formed in the old hash-table and the next_id hasn't change or result have as id the old next_id *) ensures { well_formed (old hc).tbl result /\ hc.next_id = old hc.next_id \/ id result = (old hc).next_id = hc.next_id - 1 } if eq0 t f then t else let bdd_candidate = N v t f in try HCMap.find hc.tbl bdd_candidate with HCMap.NotFound -> let new_node = N v t f hc.next_id in HCMap.put hc.tbl bdd_candidate new_node; hc.next_id <- Peano.succ hc.next_id; new_node end end module Not use BDD use int.Int use BDDAssociationMap as MemoMap (* Test if 'not_bdd' is the correct value of the 'orig_bdd' bdd by the not operation *) predicate is_not_bdd (not_bdd : bdd) (orig_bdd : bdd) = forall f : affectation. value f not_bdd = not value f orig_bdd type memoMap = { hc : hctable; m : MemoMap.t bdd } (* Top and Bottom are not in the memoisation table *) invariant { not MemoMap.is_in m Top /\ not MemoMap.is_in m Bottom } (* All BDD in the Memoisation Table are in the HashConsign Table *) invariant { forall u : bdd. MemoMap.is_in m u -> id u < hc.next_id } (* All BDD in the Memoisation Table have their value in the HashConsign Table *) invariant { forall u : bdd. MemoMap.is_in m u -> well_formed hc.tbl (MemoMap.val_of m u) } (* All values are images of the not operation of their key *) invariant { forall u : bdd. mem_tbl hc.tbl u -> MemoMap.is_in m u -> is_not_bdd (MemoMap.val_of m u) u } (* The variable of the keys are <= than the variable of the value *) invariant { forall u : bdd. mem_tbl hc.tbl u -> MemoMap.is_in m u -> is_node (MemoMap.val_of m u) -> var u <= var (MemoMap.val_of m u) } by { hc = create_hctable (); m = MemoMap.create () } let init_memo_map (hc : hctable) : memoMap = { hc = hc ; m = MemoMap.create () } (* Memoised unary operation *) let rec apply (map : memoMap) (b : bdd) : bdd = (* The input BDD must be well-formed. *) requires { well_formed map.hc.tbl b } (* The result is well-formed *) ensures { well_formed map.hc.tbl result } (* If the input is a node, then it is in the table *) ensures { is_node b -> MemoMap.is_in map.m b } (* If the input is a node, then its associated value in the table is the result *) ensures { is_node b -> MemoMap.val_of map.m b = result } (* If the result is a node, then the input must be a node and var result is >= than var b *) ensures { is_node result -> var b <= var result /\ is_node b } (* All the old well-formed bdd in map.hc are still well-formed in map.hc *) ensures { still_well_formed (old map.hc) map.hc } (* All old BDD in the table are concerved and their value too *) ensures { forall u : bdd. MemoMap.is_in (old map).m u -> MemoMap.is_in map.m u /\ MemoMap.val_of (old map).m u = MemoMap.val_of map.m u } (* No changes have been made to the memo_table if the input is a leaf *) ensures { is_leaf b -> forall u : bdd. MemoMap.is_in (old map).m u = MemoMap.is_in map.m u } (* The result is the result of the not operation *) ensures { is_not_bdd result b } (* The next_id of the hash-consign table can only increase *) ensures { map.hc.next_id >= (old map).hc.next_id } variant { b } match b with | Bottom -> Top | Top -> Bottom | _ -> try MemoMap.find map.m b with MemoMap.NotFound -> let new_tb = apply map (true_branch b) in let new_fb = apply map (false_branch b) in let new_value = create_node map.hc (var b) new_tb new_fb in MemoMap.put map.m b new_value; new_value end end end module Size use BDD use int.Int use mach.peano.Peano use set.Fset use ref.Ref use BDDAssociationMap as HashMap (* Subnodes of b *) function subnodes (b : bdd) : fset bdd = match b with | Top | Bottom -> empty | N _ true_bdd false_bdd _ -> add b (union (subnodes true_bdd) (subnodes false_bdd)) end (* If the true branch of a node u is a node, then it is in the subnodes of u *) lemma true_branch_in_sub_nodes: forall u : bdd. is_node u /\ is_node (true_branch u) -> mem (true_branch u) (subnodes u) (* If the false branch of a node u is a node, then it is in the subnodes of u *) lemma false_branch_in_sub_nodes: forall u : bdd. is_node u /\ is_node (false_branch u) -> mem (false_branch u) (subnodes u) (* If u is a subnode of v and true_branch u is a node, then true_branch u is a subnode of v *) lemma sub_nodes_with_true_branch: forall u v [@induction] : bdd. mem u (subnodes v) -> is_node (true_branch u) -> mem (true_branch u) (subnodes v) (* If u is a subnode of v and false_branch u is a node, then false_branch u is a subnode of v *) lemma sub_nodes_with_false_branch: forall u v [@induction] : bdd. mem u (subnodes v) -> is_node (false_branch u) -> mem (false_branch u) (subnodes v) (* u is in its subnodes *) lemma bdd_in_their_subnodes: forall u : bdd. is_node u -> mem u (subnodes u) (* All the variable of b are in [0; n [ *) predicate var_bounded_bdd (n : int) (b : bdd) = forall u : bdd. mem u (subnodes b) -> n > var u >= 0 (* Top and Bottom are not in the subnodes of any bdd *) let rec lemma top_bottom_not_in_subnodes (b : bdd) = ensures { not mem Top (subnodes b) } ensures { not mem Bottom (subnodes b) } match b with | Top | Bottom -> () | N _ t f _ -> top_bottom_not_in_subnodes t; top_bottom_not_in_subnodes f end (* Compute the number of Nodes in a well-formed BDD *) let size (ghost hc : hctable) (in_bdd : bdd) : Peano.t = (* in_bdd is well-formed *) requires { well_formed hc.tbl in_bdd } (* The result is the cardinal of the subnodes of in_bdd *) ensures { result = cardinal (subnodes in_bdd) } let m = HashMap.create () in let ghost ref s = empty in let ref cpt = in let rec loop (b : bdd) = (* b is a well-formed bdd *) requires { mem_tbl hc.tbl b } (* b must be a subnode of in_bdd *) requires { mem b (subnodes in_bdd) } (* The hash-table m has the same domain as the ghost set s *) requires { forall u : bdd. mem u s <-> mem_tbl hc.tbl u /\ HashMap.is_in m u } (* cpt is the cardinal of the ghost set s *) requires { cpt = cardinal s } (* All the nodes in the ghost set s are subnodes of in_bdd *) requires { forall u : bdd. mem u s -> mem u (subnodes in_bdd) } (* The hash-table m still has the same domain as the ghost set s *) ensures { forall u : bdd. mem u s <-> mem_tbl hc.tbl u /\ HashMap.is_in m u } (* All the subnodes of b are now in the ghost set s *) ensures { forall u : bdd. mem u (subnodes b) -> mem u s } (* cpt is still the cardinal of the ghost set s *) ensures { cpt = cardinal s } (* The ghost set s is only getting bigger *) ensures { forall u : bdd. mem u (old s) -> mem u s } (* The ghost set s is contained in the subnodes of in_bdd *) ensures { forall u : bdd. mem u s -> mem u (subnodes in_bdd) } variant { b } if not HashMap.mem m b then ( cpt <- Peano.succ cpt; HashMap.put m b (); s <- Fset.add b s ); if is_node (true_branch b) then loop (true_branch b); if is_node (false_branch b) then loop (false_branch b) in if is_node in_bdd then loop in_bdd; assert { s == subnodes in_bdd }; cpt end module BinOp use BDD use int.Int use use int.MinMax use BDDTupleAssociationMap as MemoMap (* Binary boolean function to customise *) val function bool_op (b1 b2 : bool) : bool (* Test if 'res' is the correct value of the 'left' and 'right' bdd by the bool operation *) predicate is_result (res left right : bdd) = forall f : affectation. value f res = bool_op (value f left) (value f right) type memoMap = { hc : hctable; m : MemoMap.t bdd } (* Top and Bottom are not in the memoisation table *) invariant { not MemoMap.is_in m (Top, Top) /\ not MemoMap.is_in m (Bottom, Top) /\ not MemoMap.is_in m (Bottom, Bottom) /\ not MemoMap.is_in m (Top, Bottom) } (* All BDD in the Memoisation Table have their value in the HashConsign Table *) invariant { forall u v : bdd. MemoMap.is_in m (u, v) -> well_formed hc.tbl (MemoMap.val_of m (u, v)) } (* All values are images of the not operation of their key *) invariant { forall u v : bdd. well_formed hc.tbl u -> well_formed hc.tbl v -> MemoMap.is_in m (u, v) -> is_result (MemoMap.val_of m (u, v)) u v } (* The variable of the keys are <= than the variable of the value (if the value is a node) *) invariant { forall u v : bdd. well_formed hc.tbl u -> well_formed hc.tbl v -> MemoMap.is_in m (u, v) -> is_node (MemoMap.val_of m (u, v)) -> is_node u -> is_leaf v -> var u <= var (MemoMap.val_of m (u, v)) } invariant { forall u v : bdd. well_formed hc.tbl u -> well_formed hc.tbl v -> MemoMap.is_in m (u, v) -> is_node (MemoMap.val_of m (u, v)) -> is_leaf u -> is_node v -> var v <= var (MemoMap.val_of m (u, v)) } invariant { forall u v : bdd. well_formed hc.tbl u -> well_formed hc.tbl v -> MemoMap.is_in m (u, v) -> is_node (MemoMap.val_of m (u, v)) -> is_node u -> is_node v -> min (var u) (var v) <= var (MemoMap.val_of m (u, v)) } (* The bdd in the keys have their id < than the next id of the hash-consign table *) invariant { forall u v : bdd. MemoMap.is_in m (u, v) -> id u < hc.next_id /\ id v < hc.next_id } by { hc = create_hctable (); m = MemoMap.create () } let init_memo_map (hc : hctable) : memoMap = { hc = hc ; m = MemoMap.create () } (* Memoised binary operation *) let rec apply (map : memoMap) (l r : bdd) : bdd = (* Input BDDs must be well-formed. *) requires { well_formed map.hc.tbl l /\ well_formed map.hc.tbl r } (* The result is well-formed *) ensures { well_formed map.hc.tbl result } (* If the result is a node, then one of the input bdd is a node *) ensures { not is_node result \/ is_node l \/ is_node r } (* If one of the input bdd is a node, then the tuple is in the table *) ensures { is_node l \/ is_node r -> MemoMap.is_in map.m (l, r) } (* If the tuple is in the table, then its associated value in the table is the result *) ensures { is_node l \/ is_node r -> MemoMap.val_of map.m (l, r) = result } (* If the result if a node and the l is the only node of the input, then the var_id of the result is >= than var_id l *) ensures { is_node result -> is_node l -> is_leaf r -> var l <= var result } (* If the result if a node and the r is the only node of the input, then the var_id of the result is >= than var_id r *) ensures { is_node result -> is_leaf l -> is_node r -> var r <= var result } (* If the result if a node and (l, r) are two nodes, then the var_id of the result is >= than min of the var of r and l *) ensures { is_node result -> is_node l -> is_node r -> min (var l) (var r) <= var result } (* All the old well-formed bdd in map.hc are still well-formed in map.hc *) ensures { still_well_formed (old map.hc) map.hc } (* All old BDD in the table are concerved and their value too *) ensures { forall u : (bdd, bdd). MemoMap.is_in (old map).m u -> MemoMap.is_in map.m u /\ MemoMap.val_of (old map).m u = MemoMap.val_of map.m u } (* No changes have been made to the memo_table if the input is a tuple of leaves *) ensures { is_leaf l /\ is_leaf r -> forall u : (bdd, bdd). MemoMap.is_in (old map).m u = MemoMap.is_in map.m u } (* The result is the result of the bool operation *) ensures { is_result result l r } variant { l, r } if is_leaf l && is_leaf r then match l, r with | Top, Top -> bool_to_leaf (bool_op true true) | Top, Bottom -> bool_to_leaf (bool_op true false) | Bottom, Top -> bool_to_leaf (bool_op false true) | Bottom, Bottom -> bool_to_leaf (bool_op false false) | _ -> absurd end else try MemoMap.find map.m (l, r) with MemoMap.NotFound -> let result = match (is_leaf l, is_leaf r) with | True , True -> (* is_leaf l /\ is_leaf r *) absurd | True , False -> (* is_leaf l /\ is_node r *) create_node map.hc (var r) (apply map l (true_branch r)) (apply map l (false_branch r)) | False, True -> (* is_node l /\ is_leaf r *) create_node map.hc (var l) (apply map (true_branch l) r) (apply map (false_branch l) r) | False, False -> (* is_node l /\ is_node r *) if var l = var r then (* same variable for l and r *) create_node map.hc (var l) (apply map (true_branch l) (true_branch r)) (apply map (false_branch l) (false_branch r)) else if var l > var r then (* var l comme after var r *) create_node map.hc (var r) (apply map l (true_branch r)) (apply map l (false_branch r)) else (* var r comme after var l *) create_node map.hc (var l) (apply map (true_branch l) r) (apply map (false_branch l) r) end in MemoMap.put map.m (l, r) result; result end end module And let function bool_op (a b : bool) : bool = a && b clone export BinOp with val bool_op = bool_op end module Or let function bool_op (a b : bool) : bool = a || b clone export BinOp with val bool_op = bool_op end module Implies let function bool_op (a b : bool) : bool = not a || b clone export BinOp with val bool_op = bool_op end module Sat use BDD use Size use seq.Seq use set.Fset use use int.Int let rec lemma value_match (hc : hctable) (u v : affectation) (b : bdd) = requires { well_formed hc.tbl b } requires { is_node b -> forall y : int63. y >= var b -> u y = v y } ensures { value u b = value v b } variant { b } if is_leaf b then () else if u (var b) then value_match hc u v (true_branch b) else value_match hc u v (false_branch b) predicate sat (b : bdd) = exists f : affectation. value f b = True lemma top_is_sat: sat Top by value (fun _ -> False) Top = True let rec lemma nodes_are_sat (hc : hctable) (b : bdd) : affectation = requires { mem_tbl hc.tbl b } ensures { value result b = True } variant { b } match b with | N v Bottom f _ -> match f with | Top -> (fun _ -> False) | Bottom -> absurd | N _ _ _ _ -> let u = nodes_are_sat hc f in (fun x -> if x = v then False else u x) end | N v t _ _ -> match t with | Top -> (fun _ -> True) | Bottom -> absurd | N _ _ _ _ -> let u = nodes_are_sat hc t in (fun x -> if x = v then True else u x) end | _ -> absurd end let predicate is_sat (ghost hc : hctable) (b : bdd) = requires { well_formed hc.tbl b } ensures { result <-> sat b } match b with | Bottom -> False | Top | N _ _ _ _ -> True end end module AnySat use BDD use Size use Sat use use int.Int use seq.Seq use set.Fset use mach.array.Array63 (* Predicate to get the value of a BDD with an array *) let rec ghost predicate array_value (sol : array bool) (b : bdd) = requires { var_bounded_bdd sol.length b } variant { b } match b with | Top -> True | Bottom -> False | N v t f _ -> if sol[v] then array_value sol t else array_value sol f end let rec lemma array_value_same_eval (b : bdd) (sol : array bool) (affect : affectation) = requires { var_bounded_bdd sol.length b } requires { forall x : int63. 0 <= x < sol.length -> sol[x] = affect x } ensures { array_value sol b <-> value affect b } variant { b } match b with | Top | Bottom -> () | N v t f _ -> if sol[v] then array_value_same_eval t sol affect else array_value_same_eval f sol affect end (* Give an affectation for each var in [0; n[ that satisfy the bdd. *) let any_sat (ghost hc : hctable) (n : int63) (b : bdd) : array bool = (* Well-formed bdd *) requires { well_formed hc.tbl b } (* All the variable are in [0; n [ *) requires { var_bounded_bdd n b } (* n >=0 *) requires { n >= 0 } (* If b is sat, the result is an affectation that satisfy the bdd *) ensures { sat b -> array_value result b = True } let sol = Array63.make n False in let rec _loop (u : bdd) = (* Well-formed BDD *) requires { well_formed hc.tbl u } (* All the variable are in [0; n [ *) requires { var_bounded_bdd n u } (* u is a subnodes of b or u is Top *) requires { u = Top \/ mem u (subnodes b) } (* All the cell between (var u) and n are set to False (No modification of the array is this range has been made) *) requires { forall x : int. is_node u -> n > x >= var u -> sol[x] = False } (* This build a correct affectation that satisfy u *) ensures { array_value sol u } (* If u is a node, all the modification before our variable are kept *) ensures { forall x : int63. is_node u -> 0 <= x < var u -> (old sol)[x] = sol[x] } (* We do not modify the array if u = Top *) ensures { u = Top -> old sol = sol } variant { u } match u with | Top -> () | Bottom -> absurd | N v t Bottom _ -> sol[v] <- True; _loop t | N _ _ f _ -> _loop f end in if is_node b then _loop b; sol end module CountSat use BDD use Size use use set.Fset use seq.Seq use int.Int use int.Power (* Predicate to get the value of a BDD with a sequence *) let rec ghost predicate seq_value (sol : seq bool) (b : bdd) = requires { var_bounded_bdd sol.length b } variant { b } match b with | Top -> True | Bottom -> False | N v t f _ -> if sol[Int63.to_int v] then seq_value sol t else seq_value sol f end (* seq_value and value give the same output for similar affectation *) let rec lemma array_value_same_eval (b : bdd) (sol : seq bool) (affect : affectation) = requires { var_bounded_bdd sol.length b } requires { forall x : int63. 0 <= x < sol.length -> sol[x] = affect x } ensures { seq_value sol b <-> value affect b } variant { b } match b with | Top | Bottom -> () | N v t f _ -> if sol[Int63.to_int v] then array_value_same_eval t sol affect else array_value_same_eval f sol affect end (* build all the interpretation satifying a BDD *) let rec function all_sat (ghost hc : hctable) (nb_var : int63) (v_id : int63) (ghost a : seq bool) (b : bdd) : (card : int, ghost set : fset (seq bool)) = (* v_id is in [0; nb_var] *) requires { nb_var >= v_id >= 0 } (* All variable are < than nb_var *) requires { var_bounded_bdd nb_var b } (* b is well-formed *) requires { well_formed hc.tbl b } (* If b is a node, var b >= v_id *) requires { is_node b -> v_id <= var b } (* a is of length max_var *) requires { a.length = nb_var } (* The size of all the sequences in the result is max_var - v_id *) ensures { forall u : seq bool. mem u set -> u.length = nb_var } (* All sequences in the result satisfies b *) ensures { forall u : seq bool. mem u set -> seq_value u b = True } (* All sequences have the same begining as a *) ensures { forall u : seq bool. mem u set -> forall i : int. 0 <= i < v_id -> a[i] = u[i] } (* If u is a sequences satifying b then u is in result *) ensures { forall u : seq bool. u.length = nb_var -> seq_value u b = True -> (forall i : int. 0 <= i < v_id -> a[i] = u[i]) -> mem u set } (* card is tha cardinal of the set built *) ensures { card = cardinal set } (* If b is Bottom, no affectation can satisfy it *) ensures { b = Bottom -> set = Fset.empty /\ card = 0 } (* If b is top, there is 2^(nb_var - v_id) affectation satisfying it (which begining is False) *) ensures { b = Top -> card = power 2 (nb_var - v_id) } variant { nb_var - v_id } match b with | Bottom -> let ghost res = Fset.empty in 0, res | Top -> if nb_var = v_id then let ghost res = Fset.singleton a in 1, res else let b_true = set a (Int63.to_int v_id) True in let b_false = set a (Int63.to_int v_id) False in let true_card, true_set = all_sat hc nb_var (v_id + 1) b_true b in let false_card, false_set = all_sat hc nb_var (v_id + 1) b_false b in assert { Fset.disjoint true_set false_set }; assert { true_card = false_card }; let ghost res = Fset.union true_set false_set in true_card + false_card, res | N v t f _ -> let b_true = set a (Int63.to_int v_id) True in let b_false = set a (Int63.to_int v_id) False in if v = v_id then let true_card, true_set = all_sat hc nb_var (v_id + 1) b_true t in let false_card, false_set = all_sat hc nb_var (v_id + 1) b_false f in assert { Fset.disjoint true_set false_set }; let ghost res = Fset.union true_set false_set in true_card + false_card, res else let true_card, true_set = all_sat hc nb_var (v_id + 1) b_true b in let false_card, false_set = all_sat hc nb_var (v_id + 1) b_false b in assert { Fset.disjoint true_set false_set }; let ghost res = Fset.union true_set false_set in true_card + false_card, res end let function count_sat (ghost hc : hctable) (nb_var : int63) (b : bdd) : (card : int, ghost set : fset (seq bool)) = (* v_id is in [0; nb_var] *) requires { nb_var >= 0 } (* All variable are < than nb_var *) requires { var_bounded_bdd nb_var b } (* b is well-formed *) requires { well_formed hc.tbl b } (* If u is a sequences satifying b then u is in result *) ensures { forall u : seq bool. u.length = nb_var /\ seq_value u b = True <-> mem u set } (* card is tha cardinal of the set built *) ensures { card = cardinal set } all_sat hc nb_var 0 (Seq.create (Int63.to_int nb_var) (fun _ -> False)) b end
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